An analytical survey of the dynamics of Hebrew national history from Joshua to Nehemiah.  This course covers the material in the books of Joshua through Esther.  Notable biblical characters are highlighted and special emphasis is given to the typology of Jesus Christ.

Introduction to Biblical Literature is an overview of the Old and New Testaments upon which can be built a solid understanding of God’s Word.  Emphasis is given to the unfolding story of God’s plan of salvation for mankind as the relationship of people, events and locations are studied in their biblical and historical context.

This course is a study of the first five books of the Old Testament which consists of examining each of the books in relation to each other, the Old Testament, history, Ancient Near Eastern literature and culture, and the New Testament.  Special attention will be given to understanding the God of Israel along with creation, humanity, Israel, salvation, covenant, and law.

An expository and historical study of the life of Christ as revealed in the first three Gospels.  Jesus' life and teaching are analyzed and studied against the backdrop of the contemporary human situation in which he lived.